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Trent Kanemaki, DDS

Medical Director/Owner


Doctorate of Dental Surgery – University of Southern California School of Dentistry, May 2001
B.S. General Biology – University of California, Los Angeles, June 1996
Affiliation: American Dental Association, California Dental Association

Meet Dr. Trent

Anna Lapatkova




MA, Healthcare Management - California State University of Los Angeles, June, 2015
US Berkley Extension School of Business, August, 2004
MA, Lingustics, Novosibirsk State University, June, 1997

Anna about herself:

20 years of international business experience mainly in electronics manufacturing, sales and logistics have given me a unique opportunity to see a different angle of the medical practice process. My transition to the medical field has been strenuous and exciting.

I found myself consumed by a new sense of purpose where my focus on quality of care and efficiency provides accountable treatment outcomes. I am enjoying my career in healthcare - the most rapidly changing industry in the US.